6 Tips on how to become an RA in college

Earlier this year, I was lucky enough to be offered an RA (Resident's Assistant) position at my school.
I was shocked that I had been given this opportunity. About halfway through the process the self-doubt really began to set in. I assumed I wouldn't get a position because I realized there were so many talented people around me.
I still can't believe I get to call myself an RA. This opportunity is something that will immensely help me get through school (money wise). Free room and bard is not something you stumble upon everyday.
I was lucky enough that I had an RA that was very open about the process, and answered all of my questions that I had. All of her tips helped me immensely through the application and interviewing process.
So, continue reading if you want to hear some tips from a current RA!

1. Don't just be in it for the money.
Hey, I get it. Free room and board is AMAZING! However, there are other reasons you should want to become an RA. You get to help freshman transition into college life, and current students continue to upkeep their residence life.
Throughout the interviewing process, your interviewers WILL be able to tell who genuinely wants to be there, and who is just going through the process for it's benefits.
Find things to look forward to if you become an RA, and be sure to mention those at some point.

2. It's ok if you're not extroverted.
One common misconception if that you have to be extroverted in order to become an RA.
That is not true.
The Residence life staff and interviewers will place you in a Residence hall that fits your personality. Not everyone feels comfortable with extroverted people, and Residence life staff will keep this in mind when finding RAs.

3. Do your research.
Be sure to look up possible RA interview questions. Take your time to think through your possible answers.
From my experience, a lot of the questions you'll find online are the questions you'll be asked in your interview. Be sure to study up and don't just wing it when you walk in there!

4. Ask a current RA
Every school is different. What works for me, might not work for you.
Don't be shy to ask current RAs about the application and interviewing process. Get comfortable with what will happen every step along the way, and possible situations you might run into.

5. Follow up your interview with a thank you email.
Just send a quick 2 sentence email thanking those apart of the process for their time. They will remember your name when it pops up in discussion.

6. Be you!
The MOST important thing is to just be you. Even if you can muster up the most perfect RA personality, it wont work out in the long run.
Residence Life places you where you belong based off of what they see. If you show them an extroverted bubbly person, but its all a show, you'll get placed in a hall that might not be the best fit for you.
Take a breath, and relax. You got this.
